Cup Full of Code The personal site of Matthew M. Keeler
Posts with the tag emacs:

A Look at Vim and Emacs

On Thursday, March 26th, 2015 my friend Jacob and I presented to DevICT on what we love about our editors of choice. Jacob covered vim and I spoke about emacs.

While this talk was billed as a head-to-head competition, neither Jacob nor I had any intention of “battling it out”. Instead, we wanted to focus on what we thought each editor excelled at, and what we in particular liked about them.

Invalidate Projectile Cache on Delete

Projectile is a staple of my emacs configuration. In my opinion, it is one of the all time best packages available, along with org-mode and magit.

One of my most commonly used commands with projectile is helm-projectile. This lets me locate any file in my project by pressing C-c p h. Using the narrowing abilities of helm, I can quickly filter the list of options to exactly the one I want.

Performing Controlled PHP Refactorings in Emacs

By day, I work as a PHP developer at Research Square. My time is spent developing new functionality for the RS suite of products. This may include working in greenfield code bases or extending our legacy products. In either case, dozens of times a day, I find myself performing various code refactorings.

Embedding Code Snippets in Org Mode

Without a doubt, Org Mode is one of the most impressive and versatile features of Emacs. Great for writing structured documents, managing lists and planning, and for exporting those documents into a variety of formats, it’s my go to tool for flexible, efficient editing.

Generate Daily Messages With Org Journal

One of the requirements of my job is to send out a daily message. This message should summarize what I did the day before, and what I hope to accomplish for the current day. At first, I would spend my day jumping from task to task, and then the next morning, I would rack my brain to make sure I included all the things I worked on.